User data API

User data API

If you have coding experience and fully control the website that you are promoting, the DELIGHT plan allows you to customize your website for everyone coming to you from HeedYou.

You can select any of the following data:

  • Username (variable name: "username"): HeedYou username of a visitor
  • Account type (“type”): The account type of a HeedYou visitor. Can be either Default, Premium, or Ultimate
  • HeedYou signup date (“signup”): A date, when a user has joined HeedYou. Will be passed in a “YYYY-MM-DD” format, for example, “2012-09-21”.
  • Gender (“gender”): Gender of a visitor. Can be either male or female.
  • Age (“age”): A visitors' age. Will be represented by an integer.
  • First name (“name”): First name of the visitor.
  • Country (“country”): Current location of a visitor. Will be passed as a full country name.
  • Earnings from this ad view (“earned”): How much a user has earned while viewing your ad, in USD.

Select the information items you would like to receive by clicking on them. Please, keep in mind that the users will be warned about sending their data to your website and will have a choice to opt-out. Don't ask for more than you actually need.

Do not save any of this information on your end without getting a clear and explicit agreement from a user. For example, you may pre-fill a signup form using this data, but you can only save it on your end if a user agrees to your terms and privacy agreements and joins your website. Advertising campaigns violating this rule will be removed.

It will take some work to implement it on your end. There can be no one-solution-fits-all scripts for this; you should be aware of all of the other code and content of your website. However, you can look at our examples to get an idea about how this can be implemented.